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Search Campaigns Full Report (Dolnai Support)

Ángel Simancas
Updated on_
December 5, 2024



Explanation of a Full Search Report on Dolnai platform

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Ads Overview


Graphs showing the status of your Ads and areas to improve:


Optimized: Shows the total number of Headlines to be optimized


Coverage: Percentage of complete Headlines (in this case 94%).


Diversity: Percentage of Headlines with unique texts (75%). The greater the Diversity, the better the personalization of the Ad texts.


Total: Total number of Headlines in the active Responsive Search Ads of the account.


Unique: Number of unique Headlines in the account (related to diversity)


Completed: Number of completed Headlines.


Empty: Number of Headlines that are empty.



The following graph shows improvement areas found with regards to Responsive Search Ads:



Low Performing Headlines: these are Headlines that received fewer Impressions than their counterparts in the same Ads.


Missing Headlines: unused Headline spaces to be filled out.


Duplicate Headlines: Headlines bearing the same/similar ad copy, in the same Ad.


Missing CTA: Not enough Calls to Action.


Blocked Headlines: Headlines that can't be displayed due to not being pinned to any position while others are pinned to positions 1, 2 and 3


Missing KW: Keywords in the Ad Group are not mentioned enough times in the Ad.


Below there is the distribution of the Ads in the account according to their Ad Strength. The idea is to get as many Excellent Ads as possible in order to improve Conv. Rate and CPC.



Distribution of Ad Strength by Campaign (use it to prioritize optimization)



Overall performance per Ad Strength:



Unitary yield per Ad Strength:



CTR and Conv. Rate distribution by Ad Strength:



Impression Share distribution by Ad Strength:



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Ads Radiography


Compilation of yourΒ Responsive Search Ads, highlighting issues and opportunities for improvement such as:

   ● Low-performing Headlines:

Headlines with a poor performance, meaning that Google barely shows them.

   ● Duplicate Headlines:

Headlines that are very similar to each other.

   ● Missing CTA

   ● Missing headlines

   ● Empty headlines

   ● No KW in Ad

   ● LP Message



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Enhanced RSA


Based on the mistakes found in Ads Radiography, new headlines are generated and thedetected issues are solved. The recommendations for new texts come from:

   ● Advertiser's online properties

   ● Specific sector and vertical

   ● Communication styles complementary to those already in use

   ● Advertiser's landings & web content


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Overview Top 10


Impressions of your Top 10 Competitors(dark blue); β€œOverlap” (light blue); andβ€œPosition Above”, times the competitorappears above you (light blue).





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Top Competitors


Complete list of all competitors of the account with their KPIs to see what is their impact onthe account in relation to the own KPIs shown at the top in the web version (queries,impressions, impression share). The KPIs displayed are:


● Impressions: number of times the competitor has appeared in queries where youraccount could have come up.

● Overlap: impressions that you and the competitor have matched in the results.

● Top Position: impressions where the competitor appears above you and you appear.

● Top Ranking: impressions where you appear above the competitor (he may or may nothave appeared).

● Top of Page: the competitor occupies the top positions of the results.

● Top of Page Abs: the competitor occupies the first position.


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Competitors (Camp Level)


Competitors segregated by campaigns that have entered, exited and remain from theprevious period. Further control of competitors per campaign is achieved by seeingaccording to the arrow shown (↑,↓,-) whether the campaign has more or fewer competitors.


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Family Coverage


The client after indicating a number of domains (URLs) that cover the same searches andbelong to the same group (contact Dolnai team to do so). It shows for each Keyword theKPIs that cover together these accounts with respect to the competitors.


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It allows to analyze together the performance of the different categories defined by thecustomer by filling in a template (ask the Dolnai team).


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Top Competitors (KW)


In-depth analysis of Competitors for each Keyword.


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Lost Opportunities


In the summary on the missed opportunities graph you can see a conversion funnel, thesame is shown on the right but at campaign level.



There is also a table called β€œAd Group Summary” which shows the bidding strategy of eachad and data regarding their spending and performance.


In each section you can view the entire account or select the campaign(s) you wish toanalyze by clicking on them and clicking on filter.


● Wasted Budget: Shows the keywords that during the period have received clicks buthave not achieved conversions.

● Unproductive Traffic: keywords that have had an ROAS of less than 1.

● Cheap Leads: Keywords that have converted at a good cost.

● High Opportunities: Keywords with conversions with ROAS greater than 1.


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Keyword Optimization


List of keywords to optimize:

Β Β Β a) Duplicate keywords contemplating the same audience. It is recommended whichword to pause based on performance. It points out if they are in the same or differentad group to be kept in the correct one.
Β Β Β b) Match type issies and correct keyword suggestion.
Β Β Β c) Keywords including duplicate terms


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Brand Query Controller


Analysis of all searches performed by the user between Brand and Generic Keywords. Ithelps to better optimize CPC's and reduce your cost.


In the Search Term Column (Column A) you could visualize all the Search Terms that theuser made in the account.


In the Keyword column (Column B) you will be able to visualize the Keyword for which thesearch term was triggered.


The objective of this analysis is to find search terms (Column A) that contain the Brand andthat have been entered with generic Keywords (Column B).


Those that have a higher CPC than the average Brand Keywords (Brand ST - Brand KW)will be marked in red. In the table on the right you can compare the KPIs with the differentcombinations.



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Keyword Miner


Find new keywords that can get conversions at a lower price. If the KW has exact match andmost closely resembles the search the lower the CPC.


A filtering of the search terms report is done and those that have conversions and do notmatch any KW in the account (active, paused or deleted) are selected. A search list withthese features and their KPIs is provided for the SEM Manager to consider adding them.


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Cloud Words


In order to optimize the traffic of an account, you must add negative keywords to preventsearches with terms that do not interest.


To find them you have to periodically review the search terms report and read each one(usually thousands or hundreds of thousands of rows, depending on the period). Thistechnique is time-consuming, boring and inefficient: Search terms in the same account oftenhave many terms repeated across multiple accounts.


If you read a search to negative you only see the KPIs of that search, but you don't know theimpact of the term(s) in the period, so you don't know how much you have spent and wouldhave saved. To help you be more agile and efficient, Cloud Words has been designed.


Where each of the unique words that appear in the search term report are separated byrows. Instead of reviewing searches (usually phrases), it goes to review words (much fasterand shorter since these words are repeated in the searches).


It also shows the sum of KPIs of all the STs where each word has appeared (you can knowwhat the savings would have been if it had been negative before) and it shows the list ofKWs that have brought those searches and the specific searches that contain that word.


In addition, at the end of the list, the terms that have converted the most are displayed incase it is of interest to include them as new kw.


This section is separated into:


   ● Untargeted Terms: search terms separated by rows into single words. Only termsthat are not included in any of the keywords in the account are shown.


The purpose is for the account manager to review this list and add new keywords. This canbe done directly from the Dolnai platform. All you have to do is select the terms to benegativized and click on β€œadd negative keywords”. These will be uploaded in a separate listcalled Dolnai in Google Ads.


   ● N-gram 1: all search terms separated by rows in single words.

   ● N-gram 2: combination of two words.

   ● N-gram 3: combination of three words.


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Cloud Words Overview


Find all the unique words included in the Search Terms report.

In the first graph you'll find the number of Clicks (Y-axis) and Impressions (X-axis) that each unique term received. The size of the ball represents the cost.


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Negative Keywords


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Conflict Negative Keywords


You'll find here Negative Keywords that are conflicting with current active Keywords.

You just need to make a decision: remove the Negative Keyword or pause the active Keyword.


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Cross Negative Keywords


The objective is that each search query triggers the most appropriate Ad Group.

Dolnai detects potential Negative Keywords to be added to the campaign and ad group showed in each row of the table. This will force to trigger the Ad Group showed in the next column (at the right side of the suggested Negative Keyword).


To add the Negative Keyword to your Google Ads account, just click on the ckeck-box next to the Negative Keyword you want to add and then click on the 'Add Negative Keywords' button.


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Landing Page Issues


Issues are reported on the account landing pages. Such as 404 errors, redirects, lack ofHTTPS or other codes to check.


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Ad Group Opti


This section shows if there are any active Ad Groups without active Keywords or Ads.

The account manager will have to decide whether to activate these elements, otherwise the Ad Group should be paused.


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Ángel Simancas
Updated on_
December 5, 2024
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