Responsive Search Ads (RSA)
We all know that in order to improve the performance in our accounts we must have the best possible Google Responsive Search Ads.
Want to go straight to the point? Then watch the video below and follow the instructions to pull ad level asset report for all your Responsive Search Ads at once. Otherwise, keep reading.
Better off...try Ads Radiography
On Google Search, your closest competitors’ ads are 1 cm away from yours.
The best ad gets the click (unless that search ends up on an organic link click or zero clicks).
Anyway, if your ad is not compelling enough you will miss a sale.
That simple.
For this reason, it’s vitally important to always have the best Responsive Search Ads we can. Here you can find a few tips to create the best responsive search ads.
To improve your RSAs, the first thing you need to do is to find what is not performing well in your ads.
Is it just about Ad Strenght?
Definitely not.
So, what should you be focusing on to improve your Responsive Search Ads?
To improve your Responsive Search Ads you should focus on each headline and description at ad level. You probably have as many RSAs as Ad Groups in your account.
Meaning, 300 Ad Groups = 300 RSAs
At least one RSA per Ad Group, although you could have up to 3 RSAs on every Add Group. One is enough for now.
And, how many headlines are we talking about?
Well, 300 x 15 = 4500 headlines. Good ones, bad ones,...
Is it possible to find the good and poor performers?
Yes it is.
Yes you can, but on Google Ads interface you will die trying. Because you have to check one by one every Responsive Search Ad Asset Report to see the impressions of each headline for that single Ad.
That means, for every single RSA you get this:
The case above is an account with about 300 Responsive Search Ads, meaning that you would need to access 300 reports to review the performance of 4.500 headlines to find out which headlines are not being shown (due to Google deciding they don’t work) and should be replaced.
You can also see all the different combinations of ads that had impressions.
But again, you have to do it one by one.
One by one.
Like this:
There you can get a glimpse of what is working or not.
And you start optimizing.
Good luck.
We’ve got good news!
You can use Ad Creator to get a report with all that information for every Responsive Search Ads. In just one report, one click.
In a couple of minutes you will get this:
In this report you will find:
You can see the info on Ad Creator interface or download it as an excel file to upload it through Google Ads Editor.
Now the best part is…
Ad Creator will create good-selling copies to replace those low-performing and the empty ones.
In 10 different languages.
Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Catalá, Arab, Polish and Turkish.
Based on your Ad Group language.
Is that magic?
No. It’s a technology deeply specialized that we have been developing for years.
We have worked with Google and in the industry since 2003.
We love it.
You can take advantage of this technology by applying it to your campaigns.
Try now and see for yourself how.
Dolnai, The Ad Creator Company.
The campaign-level reports for Responsive Search Ads allow you to explore the performance of assets and statistics in one or more campaigns. You can identify which assets are recommended to change and which enhance the performance of your ads.
In the "Assets" section, you can visualize the elements of all your RSAs. Through campaign-level assets reports, you can analyze where your assets are being used and which ones are generating the best results. Once you determine which assets are effective, you can apply that knowledge to other ads. Additionally, you have the option to replace assets that are not performing well.