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Responsive Search Ads (RSA)

Pinning Headlines and Descriptions in Responsive Search Ads

Cristina Jiménez Gómez
Updated on_
October 24, 2023

Do you know everything you need to know about the option to pin headlines or descriptions in Responsive Search Ads? Are you afraid that Google will penalize you for it? Do you need to set specific texts but you are afraid of losing ad strenght?

In this post we are going to explain how to use this option of pinning headlines and descriptions to specific positions in responsive search ads and what are the best practices.

To pin a text, click on the thumbtack to the right of the title or description and choose which position you want it to appear. For headlines the options are 1, 2 or 3 and for descriptions it is 1 or 2. Google relies on RSAs to iterate the order and discover the best combination of copies for each search query and advises against fixing texts in positions, as it loses testing autonomy.


But there are a number of tricks to achieve your goal without suffering penalties. Keep reading this post and we will tell you one by one.

Are you ready?


If you want to fix a text in a position because you need to mention the brand, a promotion, etc., we recommend to pin several headlines in the same position. This way they will never coincide and will not appear as duplicate texts and Google will feel free to choose which one to show.

  • Example of a Responsive Search Ad without pinned headlines:
No Pinned Positions
  • Example of a Responsive Search Ad with headlines pinned in position 1:
Pinned Positions

There is still more...

Don't pin headlines to all positions, trust Google's Machine Learning and let it create the perfect ad, but follow our advice.  Always be careful not to make a really common mistake, believe it or not.

Pinning headlines in every position and leaving others without pinning will automatically block those unpinned.

  • Example of a RSA with Conflicts: Unpinned Headlines will never be shown and Ad Strength will get worse.
Blocked Pin Positions

Sounds boring and tedious to check everything, doesn't it?

Don't worry, Dolnai Ads Radiography will warn you about blockages, duplicate texts and other possible improvements in your RSAs.


Don’t wait any longer, try Ads Radiography & AdCreator now!

Cristina Jiménez Gómez
Updated on_
October 24, 2023
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