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Keep Google From Disapproving Your Ads

Cristina Jiménez
Updated on_
July 11, 2023

It is not uncommon for Google to disapprove your ads due to different reasons. In this article, we will explain what these reasons are and how you can anticipate them and be a few steps ahead of the game.

Avoid having disapproved ads

Having disapproved ads on your account can be a big problem. Not only will all the work you put into creating them go to waste, but it's also possible that some ad groups will be left without active and approved ads. Consequently, all the keywords in this ad group cannot be activated by users' searches, and possibly, some products or services will stop being promoted. This will be more common now that responsive search ads have gained prominence, and many ad groups only have one.

Google's policies regarding the texts that can be included in ads and their editorial style vary depending on the industry being advertised. Additionally, the conditions and rules are constantly changing, so getting a text approved initially does not guarantee that it cannot be disapproved in the future. It is important that these disapprovals are not too frequent to avoid the risk of Google ultimately disapproving your account 🔇.

Reasons why Google can disapprove your AD

There are four reasons why an ad could be disapproved; including prohibited content or practices, using a restricted format, or not meeting Google's editorial and technical requirements.

  1. Include telephone numbers. This information must be added as a call extension, which is much more convenient, allowing the user to directly clik or call the company. This will also allow you to keep track of the calls received thanks to your ads.

  2. Improper mention of brand names: certain brands do not allow Google to be mentioned by other advertisers in their ads. As an alternative, we suggest using synonyms or abbreviations. Some advertisers choose to misspell brand names to keep their ads active. The same applies if you include copyright terms in your ads.
  3. Specific products and services: Google establishes strict policies in certain sectors such as alcohol, gambling, weapons, etc. Depending on the country and current circumstances, ads may be disapproved with more or less likelihood.
  4. Repeatedly using the same word, especially terms like “free”.
  5. Misuse of capital letters. Good practice to help highlight your ads against the competition and make them more attractive is to capitalize the first letter of some words. However, if you use too many capital letters in words that are not acronyms, Google may disapprove of your ads. To learn more about this technique, visit [link].
  6. Using exaggerated expressions such as “the best”, “the absolute leader”, or “the number one”.
  7. Overuse of exclamations marks. Exclamation marks are not allowed in ad titles and only one is permitted for descriptions.
  8. Including a faulty destination URL or one that activates popups.
  9. If the visible URL is different from the destination URL.

Another option that can cause your responsive ads to not be shown because they are under review for more than one business day may be that the keywords in your ad group are not active.

Find a complete compilation of Google´s policies.

Find help regarding how to fix a disapproved ad by Google.  Still, we insist to follow the recommendations previously mentioned and to be one step ahead of these potential mishaps.

Cristina Jiménez
Updated on_
July 11, 2023
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