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Google Ads Automatically Created Assets

Cristina Jiménez
Updated on_
January 22, 2024

Everybody is talking about how Google is integrating Bard into its other products. Now it's the turn of Google Ads with the Automated Assets.

What are Google´s Automatically Created Assets?

It consists of an option that creates additional titles and descriptions which complement one´s already in the platform. Google lets us know that this content is based on other texts within the ad, website content from its domain,  landing page, other announcements, and keywords from said groups

Google lets us know that this is currently in the beta phase and is not yet available to all users.

Moreover, it requires the website content to be clear and precise. This could turn out to be complicated if, for example, there is cross-selling of other products or services within the landing page, or if it is not made clear to Google´s tool what information is relevant.

Additionally, it is explained that new texts are “inspired” by those already created. Consequently, the probability of these suggestions ending up being just slightly different and seeming repetitive is highly likely. Thus, risking showing redundant texts and causing the ad´s CTR to decrease.

Why does Google launch Automatically Created Assets?

Responsive search ads (RSA) have gained popularity during the last year on Google Ads Search Campaigns. Besides turning into a real headache for most SEM Managers.

This is because to obtain complete ads of excellent quality we will need to write down 15 titles and 4 descriptions that appeal to the ad group´s keywords, offer valuable information, combine well with each other, and also do not sound repetitive.

Along with all of the above it is important to update the service or product, like including special offers. Also, don´t forget to run periodical creative reviews for all content currently in use, with the objective of removing the one´s that aren´t working and to give new ones’ a try. 

Imagine this scenario  when it comes to an account with hundred of thousands of ads…

Most managers tend to be in charge of different accounts, so the creation of copies is just a small part of their job.

What ends up happening in many cases is that the account manager leave the ads incomplete, or at most finishes all of the ads but does not check the performance of each element per ad.

Google has insisted on the great importance of carrying out this task of completing all headlines and descriptions within an ad. One that has not been accepted by account managers. Because of this, after seeing that this task was not being performed properly, Google decided to announce the release of Automatically Created Assets. Also commonly know as Automated Created Assets or, Automatic Created Assets.

Are Automatically Created Assets realiable?

Historically, Google Ads has developed tools that help the account manager with quicker optimization times. Such as the suggestion of keywords, which everyone knows, most of this suggestions are wrong; it is very usual to end up talking about similar but not exact products, mentioning competition, etc. Even being able to confuse children´s toys with erotic ones. For this reason it wouldn’t be a surprise that texts suggested by Google Ads with this new feature end up not being of the best quality.

If you really aspire to take your account to next level of excellence, you will need to include ads with texts that appeal to the consumer, and adapt to the brand´s communication style. Currently in the market, AdCreator by Dolnai is the only tool which will offer this product. In addition to the suggestion of texts to replace the ones with lowest performance results.

AdCreator by Dolnai, is developed by a team with 20 years of experience in Google, that has managed accounts of all budgets, sizes, and from any field you can imagine. Successfully analyzing what actually does work within Google Ads and how much you can achieve by using top quality technology.

With responsive optimized ads and automatic reviews, you will notice the following:

  1. How the ad´s relevance increases after including texts from the landing page.
  2. The ad’s consistency and accuracy matches the user´s specific search.
  3. Time saving when creating, analyzing, and reviewing ads.
  4. You will achieve way more of what you could ever have done manually.

For this reason , we recommend not to loose any more time and use the AdCreator tool offered by Dolnai for the creation of top quality ads without running unnecessary risks.

Cristina Jiménez
Updated on_
January 22, 2024
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