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SEM Management

Compare Your TOP 10 Competitors

Ricardo González
Updated on_
January 11, 2024

Get more real information about your competitors than you can get on the google ads platform. KPIs based on your real account and on all your competitors. Make strategic decisions based on all this new data that you can't have without Dolnai.

As a SEM Manager, I ask you, how many times have you wanted to have more information about your Google Ads competitors?

I'm talking about real, numerical information, not the approximations that other tools often make up, which I'd better not talk about.

But rather real data, from each and every one of the competitors that have appeared in your account with a wide variety of numerical data from which you can draw conclusions to start strategic actions.

I'm going to show you how you can rely on the charts Dolnai offers you about your competitors to have a clearer view of them.

The data shown is from a real but anonymized account, so the names of the competitors don't make much sense, because they are made up, even though the numbers are from a real case.

At the top of the web page, you'll see the queries, impressions, and impression share of your account for the analyzed period. This allows you to put it in perspective with the data that will be shown about your competitors.

The first graph you're going to see shows 3 KPIS of these 10 competitors. The impressions, the overlap (which is the number of times you've appeared in the same search) and the position above (which is the amount of times both you and the competitor appear in a search and the competitor shows up above you).

Top 10 Competitors Impressions (Dolnai Competitors Tool)
Top 10 Competitors Impressions (Dolnai Competitors Tool)

In this graph we can see that Coca Cola is the competitor with the most presence, with more than 400,000 impressions, although Apple overlaps and appears above the account almost as many times as Coca Cola.

To know the exact number of the bar that is shown, you just have to place the mouse cursor over the chart. The charts are interactive, if you click the KPIs on the right once they will disappear to only see the ones you are interested in.

Competitors Impressions in Google Ads (Dolnai Competitors Tool)
Overlap and Position Above (Dolnai Competitors Tool)

If you want to analyze these competitors one by one, we have another graph on the right called One by One Battle.

Google Ads Competitors One by One Battle (Dolnai Competitors Tool)
Google Ads Competitors One by One Battle (Dolnai Competitors Tool)

By clicking on the name of one of these competitors, for example Microsoft, we can see that we appear 57% of the time below him and 43% above.

Google Ads Competitors Analysis (Dolnai Competitors Tool)
Google Ads Competitors Analysis (Dolnai Competitors Tool)

All these charts are downloadable, and you can also zoom in, etc.

See you in a next video to see other charts in relation to competitors, until then I encourage you to connect your Google Ads account and get your own results.

Ricardo González
Updated on_
January 11, 2024
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